
Micropholis venulosa.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: heartwood and sapwood indistinct in color, pinkish-beige; moderate brightness; imperceptible smell and taste; medium density; hard to cut; right wavy grain; fine texture.

DENSITY: Bulk density at 12% moisture is 790 kg/m³, with green wood density equal to 1210 kg/m³

DRYING: Drying is rapid in air, with a tendency to moderate sag and light to moderate cracking.

WORKABILITY: Curupixá wood is easy to be worked in the lathe and the drill, resulting in an excellent finish.

DURABILITY: Wood moderately resistant to white rot and very resistant to brown rot. It is susceptible to attack by dry wood termites. Heartwood susceptible to the action of staining fungi.

USES: civil construction, furniture and others.