
Pouteria pachycarpa Pires.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: heartwood and sapwood indistinct in color, pale yellow, moderate brightness; imperceptible smell and taste; high density; moderately hard to cut; right grain; fine texture.

DENSITY: Bulk density at 12% moisture is 930 kg/m³ and for green wood it is 1190 kg/m³

DRYING: Drying can be very fast in an oven, with a tendency to warp, top splitting and twisting in very aggressive drying programs. In this case, slower drying is recommended to avoid or reduce these defects.

WORKABILITY: Goiabão wood is easy to be processed and can receive a good finish. It is easy to turn and drill. It is moderately easy to plan and sand. Drilling is recommended prior to placing nails.

DURABILITY: Wood susceptible to the action of fungi and termites

USES: civil construction, furniture and others.