
Bagassa guianensis Aubl.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Heartwood and sapwood distinguished by color; heartwood golden-yellow, darkening to yellowish-brown; moderate brightness; imperceptible smell and taste; medium density; moderately hard to cut; reversed grain; medium texture.


  • Apparent at 15% humidity (rap, 15): 820 kg/m³
  • Basic (rbasic): 683 kg/m³.

DRYING: Air drying is slow without the occurrence of defects. When drying in an oven, it shows a slight tendency to warping, twisting and warping. Careful process control is recommended to avoid defects. (Jankowsky, 1990).

WORKABILITY: Tatajuba wood is easy to work with, with manual or mechanical tools, producing an excellent finish. Does not take nails easily. (Jankowsky, 1990) It is recommended to drill prior to placing nails. (IBAMA, 1997a).

DURABILITY: The heartwood is resistant to attack by white and brown rot fungi. (IBAMA, 1997a) Tatajuba wood, in field tests carried out by EMBRAPA, in the Amazon, demonstrated its natural durability for more than seven years. (IPT, 1989a) Considered moderately resistant to attack by marine drillers and, in contact with the ground, it can have a useful life of more than 25 years. (Berni et al., 1979).

USES: civil construction in general, carpentry, joinery and finishing, floors, furniture, pallets, tool handles, turned parts, posts and pillars, sleepers, plywood, decorative laminates, blocks, door and window frames, beams, rafters, slats , frames for boats, hangers.