Modern technologies bring agility and efficiency to Blue Timber’s operations. As a manager of forestry assets, we collect and analyze data from our chain of custody to achieve better operational results. This allows us to have documented traceability of all our products.
Seeking even more precision and transparency in the processes, Blue Timber started in 2020 the adoption of traceability by DNA in its management plans. This solution guarantees the exact origin of each individual, eliminating any doubt as to its origin, and adds value to all products in the production chain that have this wood as raw material.
Av. Serzedelo Corrêa, 805 – Sala 808, Batista Campos, Belém – Pará. CEP: 66033-770.
Estrada Vicinal da Serra Azul, S/N – Lote IV Flota Paru, Serra Azul, Monte Alegre – Pará. CEP: 68.220-000.
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