
Manilkara huberi.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Heartwood and sapwood distinguished by color, heartwood light red becoming dark red with age; no glare; imperceptible smell and taste; high density; hard to cut; right grain; fine texture.


  • Apparent at 15% humidity (rap, 15): 1000 kg/m³;
  • Basic (rbasic): 833 kg/m³.

DRYING: Air drying is difficult, with cracking, warping and severe surface hardening. Drying in an oven must be slow and carefully controlled. (Jankowsky, 1990).

WORKABILITY: Maçaranduba wood is moderately difficult to cut and plan, however it is easy to turn and glue. Tends to crack if nailed or screwed without prior drilling. It receives a good finish, paint and varnish. (Jankowsky, 1990).

DURABILITY: Maçaranduba wood is resistant to the attack of decaying fungi and subterranean termites. It has moderate resistance to dry wood termites and low resistance to marine xylophages. (Chudnoff, 1979) The species Manilkara amazonica was described as very resistant to fungal and termite attack, but susceptible to marine borers. (Berni et al., 1979) The Manilkara huberi species was considered to be highly durable in contact with the soil, with a shelf life of more than eight years. (Jesus et al.,1998) Manilkara longifolia and Manilkara elata, in laboratory tests, showed moderate to high resistance to decay. (IPT, 1989a).

USES: civil construction, furniture and others.